Things you can do in Word
4 page document demonstrating some of the many things you can do in Word
[one-half-first]PDF version – 1Mb – view only[/one-half-first]
[one-half]Word version – 10Mb – editable[/one-half]
Learn and try stuff out
A short 4 page document with some explanations and exercises Word Training document [PDF]
Links to other useful sites
WORD: Free computer Tutorials from Home & Learn [for Word 20 07 to 2016]
WORD: Free computer Tutorials from Home & Learn [for Word 2000 or 2003]
WORD (and other Office programs):
Pictures in Word: Understanding images: Part 1 – The basics
Styles in Word: a simple explanation – YouTube video (old version of Word but still relevant for the explanation)
Do your own searches using Google and/or YouTube. Remember to include:
- the name of the program (Word)
- the version you’re using (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 etc)
- the topic (table, columns, numbering)
- what you want to do/achieve (insert a row, change column widths, etc.)
Click here for tips for using Google
Tips for using YouTube (coming soon)