Excellent short overview of Excel 2016: examples of what you can do, areas of the screen, the ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar, zooming the screen, print
And here are a good series of short simple tutorials on Excel: 2003 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016
The following is edited from the original at http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-basics/
There are 4 important areas in the Excel screen (click on image to expand it)
Quick Access Toolbar: for important ‘tools’. Excel starts with only 3 icons (Save, Undo, Redo), but you can add your own ‘important’ features to it.
Ribbon: Ribbon is like an expanded menu. It shows all the features of Excel and, since there are 1000s of features, they are grouped in several ‘tabs’: Home, Insert, Formulas, Page Layout, Data etc.
Formula Bar: This shows the actual contents of any cell. You can type into a cell OR type into here. You can also use it to create formulas.
Status bar: This tells you what is going on with Excel at any time. It shows some useful extra information so keep your eye on it.