On this page:
Price of careLINK
The cost of careLINK is £3,000 + £300 per year for support (see below for details)
In addition you need to consider:
- Data Transfer (importing your existing data from Outlook, Excel, other databases, etc)
- Training in using careLINK
- any customisations requested by you and agreed by us [optional]
After having discussed your needs with you, we will provide a detailed quote so that you know exactly how much it will cost. There is no charge or commitment for this stage.
Yearly support covers
- Free upgrades as they are released
- Free support for problems with careLINK
- Free extra reports as they become available
- Free advice on how to use careLINK most effectively in your organisation
Note: particularly large organisations may incur an extra charge for support. This will be made clear in any quote.
Ideas for raising money for careLINK
Your local CVS
Use your local CVS (Council for Voluntary Service) for ideas.
To find your local CVS use navca’s search facility and enter your town, district or county.
Your local community
The work that ‘caring’ organisations do is so directly linked to the community, that direct requests for contributions from local businesses, groups, and even individuals has resulted in significant money being raised.
Ideas from existing users
“A charity’s best bet is to contact their local CVS (Council for Voluntary Service) who will always help with finding suitable funding sources. The charity would then have to go through the application process, and the CVS are always happy to check over an application/help with it before it is sent off. Our CVS sent us a list of possible suitable funders and we found one whose criteria matches the service we offer.”
Saltstone Caring
“Because what we do helps locally, we wrote to local supporters and businesses. We had a great response.
Also local MPs may have a government grant to give to local community projects”
Dartmouth Caring